Wanted The Perfect Pet: Fiona Robertson

Wanted The Perfect Pet written by Fiona Robertson. This book is about a boy named Henry who has always wanted a dog. One day he asked his mom if he could get a dog and she always said no. Henry dreamed of having a dog that would fetch for balls and play every day with him. Later that day there was a duck looking at the newspaper and he saw an ad that said a boy was looking for a pet dog. The duck wanted a friend that would play ping pong with him and play with him every day. So the duck thought to himself that he would dress up as a dog and go to Henry’s house so he would think he’s a dog and keep him. The duck went to Henry’s house and Henry opened the door and was super excited that he had finally found a dog. Henry played with the dog until he started noticing the dog couldn’t exactly run and the dog ran around the corner and his fake ears and tail fell off. Henry realized that the dog was actually a duck but he soon kept the duck and loved him from there on. One connection I have is once when I was in preschool and I didn’t really like this person but I played with him at recess and he was actually really nice and fun. I learned to always give people a chance.

The boy who harnessed wind: Bryan Mealer

The boy who harnessed Wind by Bran Mealer and illustrated by William Kamkwamba this book is about a boy named William Kamkwamba read about windmills and dreamed of building one that would bring electricity and water to his village in Malawi, a country withered by drought and hunger. In 2002, when his country was stricken with famine, William’s family’s farm was devastated and his parents were left destitute. Until William discovered Wind energy. One connection I have is when I was at a park and I figured out how to jump super high on a teeter-totter without hurting my self.

Do cellphones belong in school?

This article is about two perspectives of why phones should and should not be allowed in school. Some people think that their phones are taking away from there learning and that it’s distracting them. Also that it’s taking away time from there sleep that they need. On the other perspective, some people think that they should be able to use phones in school because they can use their phones to research on projects.

  1. I think we should be able to use our phones in school because what if one day you forget your computer and all you have is your phone you wouldn’t be able to do your work. Another benefit is if one day you forget your lunch or if you’re sick you won’t have any way to contact your parents to come.

3. What my prediction of how phones will work in the future is that even if kids and adults use their phone a lot there will be no effect at all to there sleeping and everything else. Another thing I think will happen in the future with phones is that phones will be smaller and more portable.


After The Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up written and illustrated by Dan Santat. This book is about Humpty Dumpty who you will probably know as the egg who fell off the wall. Fortunately, all the king’s men managed to put Humpty Dumpty back together. There were most parts that couldn’t be fixed. After that day he became afraid of heights and he was so scared it kept him from enjoying his favorite things. One day Humpty Dumpty walked passed the wall he had once fallen off and he really missed seeing all the birds and being high above the city but he would never do it again because he knew accidents can happen. One day an idea flew by so he was going to make a paper airplane and so he did. He was having the most fun he had ever had in a long time but accidents can happen and it landed on the big wall. Humpty Dumpty knew he had to get his airplane because it was so fun and so he started to climb and the higher he got the more nervous he got. Soon he had got to the top of the wall and he had no fear anymore and he hatched and turned into a bird. One connection I have is when Humpty Dumpty couldn’t get the cereal he wanted I can relate because I sometimes can’t reach food at the grocery store because I’m too short.

The Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky’s Abstract

The Noisy Paint Box was written by Barb Rosenstock and illustrated by Mary Grandpre. This book is about this boy who had a disease that he hears all sorts of colors green orange, purple.  Even after he gives up his career teaching law years later and decides to study art, his teachers steer him toward traditional subjects. He resists, and his works become the art world’s first abstract paintings. One connection I have is when I was in a painting camp when I was six and the teacher said everyone can go outside I decided to stay inside because I was really enjoying what I was painting. Another connection I have is when I was just randomly painting at my house I really felt like I could really understand and feel what I was painting.

By Deacon


Wangari’s Trees of Peace

Wangari’s Trees of Peace written and illustrated by Jeanette Winter. Wangari was a young girl in Kenya and every year more and more trees get cut down. She was afraid that soon all the trees would soon be cut down. Wangari shines in school and she wins a scholarship to study in America. Six years later Wangari returns to Kenya and she wonders where are all the trees. She realized thousands of trees have been cut down and no one has planted new ones. Wangari starts by planting nine seeds in her backyard and eventually planting more and more every day and more people start planting seeds and soon all over Kenya the trees were starting to grow back. A text to self-connection I have to the book is one very cold winter my mom had planted a lot of plants and they had died that cold winter and so we had none left. So in the summer, I decided to plant tomatoes. Another connection I have text to text is when I was reading the newspaper with my dad and I saw that a ton of trees was being cut down and animals were dying because they had no habitat anymore. A text to the world I have is that trees aren’t just being cut down in Kenya they are being cut down all over the world and wildlife are loosing there habitat. A text to media connection I have is even on big websites like Sportsnet there are ads to help supporting wildlife habitats being cut down.

The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jaques Cousteau

The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jaques Cousteau written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino. This book is about this boy named Jaques Cousteau who liked the ocean a lot but he was in a bad car accident when he was younger and was told he would have to wear a brace and wouldn’t be able to many things. He decided to start to swim even tho he was told he couldn’t do anything like this but Jaques always loved the ocean and he decided to buy a camera and take pictures under the water of all the amazing creatures. He went to many places filming and taking pictures of the sea creatures underwater with his crew. One connection I have is when I was in Hawaii snorkeling and I saw amazing fish and some turtles and some cool coral. Another connection I have about this book is how I was reading this other book about the sea and people have found valuable things in the water while scuba diving. A connection I have about the real world is when I was in Hawaii a few years ago and I had an underwater camera and I took some cool photos of interesting fish and turtles.  When Jaques was under water taking pictures the fish this reminded me of when I was watching the news with my dad and we saw that people were finding incredible treasures and unique creatures underwater while scuba diving.

By Deacon

Bat’s Big Game connections

Bat’s Big Game written by Margaret Read Macdonald. This book is about this bat who is playing in a soccer game and every time the team he is playing for is loosing he switches teams. Both of the teams found out bat kept switching teams and bear asked bat what team was he really playing for and bat just said he wanted to win. So they never let bat play again. One connection I have is related to bat because I was in a baseball game last year and the team we were playing wasn’t very good and so are hole team didn’t try that hard and thought this would be a super easy win. As soon as they got up to bat they were hitting the ball really well and we just thought they got lucky. Once we got up to bat they were striking us out and that’s when our whole team got nervous then we realized we had to take this game seriously but it was too late because they had already beat us. We learned from that to always try our best. Another connection from the book is when Connor Mcdavid has been on a bad team since he was drafted but he didn’t leave his team and always gave hope in them even when they were losing and that’s what bat should have done as well. Finally, my last connection from this book is that a lot of sports players such as Kevin Durant leave there team when they’re not doing well just to win a championship or something big so they just leave there original team and don’t believe in them. That’s what bat did as well.


By Deacon


My fourth act of kindness happened when Cameron was in the hallway working on his ADST project and when it was time to clean up he had left his computer out in the hallway and it could have got step on. I chose this act of kindness because I thought this would make him feel good because then he knows people are looking out for him. This made me feel like I was a good person and that I was helping others. It seemed to make Cameron feel relieved and happy.


For my third act of kindness, I helped Sebby tie his shoe because he couldn’t reach it because he fractured his arm snowboarding. I chose this act of kindness because I thought this would make things easier for my friend Sebby. It made me feel like I was being a really helpful and kind friend. I thought this made Sebby feel like I could always be there for him and that I was a good friend.