What Do You Do With An Idea?

What Do You Do With An Idea is written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Moe Besom and is a book for anyone and any age. This book is about this boy who has an idea but he doesn’t want to tell anyone about his idea because he is afraid they will laugh at him and tell him it isn’t anything but it was like he had to feed his idea and tell someone about it. So one day he told some people about his idea and they told him that it won’t do anything and won’t ever be anything. So the boy was really sad and almost gave up on his idea but one day it came to him to not give up on it and so he gave it food and gave it a home and cared for it and mostly spent time with it didn’t give up on it. Days after his idea not only his but it was the whole worlds and everybody’s now. The message of this book is to never give up on your dreams and don’t give up on yourself even if other people said it won’t be anything. My thoughts on the book were I really enjoyed the message of the book and how the boy was going to give up due to what other people said but he stayed to his idea and kept going with it and stuck to it and it ended up being a really good idea and I really liked that about the book. I would give this book a five out of five-star rating and would definitely recommend this book.

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